Golden Trash
Tanz- und Theater Preis 2013 of the SK Stiftung Kultur foundation, Cologne
Golden Trash has been created in close relationship to the Rautenstrauch-Joest ethnography Museum, with a specific interest in the permanent exhibitions about death and masks. The piece explores fictitious personalities that lead excessive and flamboyant lives. Lives lived so far from the self that they lead to death, just like the members of the Club 27. A danced and physical manifestation of what is left behind. More than immortal ideas, these people are Golden Trash.
With Golden Trash the MichaelDouglas Kollektiv brings four strong artistic perspectives together: Georg Reischl’s abstract and highly energetic choreography, architect and visual artist Cecile Martin is responsible for stage and costume, the dancers of the collective and the live performance of Patterns of a chromatic field from Morton Feldman.